Cheaper vegetables at Quinta market seen

MANILA, Philippines — The Manila city government has launched the Benguet Quinta vegetable project to bring down the prices of vegetables in the city.

Mayor Joseph Estrada led the launch at the Quinta market along Carlos Palanca street in Quiapo on Friday.

Estrada met with vegetable wholesalers group and farmers from Benguet, Quezon, Laguna and Bulacan during the event.

Leandro Dax Gazmin, executive officer of Farm Direct Global Inc., said the project was a result of the vegetable farmers’ dream to have their own market for their products.

“We will make Quinta market the source of cheap but quality vegetables,” Gazmin said.

The city government has renovated the Quinta market to boost business and expand trade in the area with the construction of a fish port and ferry terminal.

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