

CAAP employees stageprotest

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - Employees of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) held a silent protest yesterday by hanging black “mayday, mayday” streamers at the control tower of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2.

Mayday is an international distress call used by plane, sea vessel and radio operators.

The employees were protesting the suspension of salary increases and disallowance of bonuses, which  scrapped a resolution issued by the CAAP board in 2012.

Control tower supervisor Marlene Singson said the activity was not meant to disrupt air traffic movements.

“We are just in silent protest,” Singson said.

The workers are protesting a plan to take back their benefits such as bonuses after the Commission on Audit and the Governance Commission on Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations ruled to disallow it.

Valiant Sucion, air traffic management officer and president of the CAAP employees union, said the decision may affect at least 700 air traffic controllers.

Meanwhile, Sen. Grace Poe underscored the need to improve the welfare of the country’s air traffic controllers.

Although they have the right to express their grievances against the government, Poe reminded the air traffic controllers not to endanger the safety of passengers.

Poe, chairperson of the Senate subcommittee on public services, said the CAAP workers deserve higher salaries and benefits so that they would not go abroad for greener pastures.

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