Murder raps filed vs Quezon City kagawad

MANILA, Philippines – The Quezon City Police District (QCPD) has filed murder charges with the city prosecutor’s office against a barangay councilman who gunned down a 69-year-old driver and his son in Barangay Santol on New Year’s Eve, an official said yesterday.

Barangay Santol kagawad Anacleto de Torres was the acting barangay chairman when he shot dead Rodney Deanon and his son, Raymund, said Senior Inspector Elmer Monsalve, who heads the homicide section of the QCPD’s Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit.

He said De Torres and the Deanons were neighbors for many years. De Torres was only trying to pacify the Deanons, who were allegedly having an argument with a still unidentified man at their shop, when he shot the victims.

Investigators have yet to determine why the councilman killed the Deanons.    


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