Retired cop kills lover

MANILA, Philippines - A retired policeman is now the subject of a manhunt after he allegedly killed his 27-year-old lover and threatened her sister in Kaunlaran Village, Caloocan City at past midnight yesterday.

Sarah Caraballo, who lives on the first floor of the house, said she heard her sister, Catherine Agudo, and Tito Cabauatan quarelling at past midnight, according to Chief Inspector Ilustre Mendoza, city police investigation and detection chief.

She told investigators that the two were fighting for more than an hour over money and Cabauatan’s suspicion that Agudo was having an affair until she heard two successive shots.

As she was about to go upstairs, Cabauatan came down and told her he had killed her sister, Caraballo said, adding that he leveled his gun at her and threatened to shoot her as well.

Caraballo said she ran out of the house and left the suspect behind. When she returned a few minutes later, she found her sister dead, with two bullet wounds in the chest.

Mendoza said a tracker team failed to find Cabauatan at the house the former policeman, who retired in January, shares with his wife in Malabon.

He said they are preparing to file a murder charge against Cabauatan.

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