Lawmaker seeks review of Revised Penal Code

MANILA, Philippines - A lawmaker is seeking a review of the 84-year-old Revised Penal Code of the Philippines to further strengthen the criminal justice system.

Baguio Rep. Nicasio Aliping Jr., a member of the House committee on justice, said a congressional hearing will be held today at Camp John Hay to gather inputs from all stakeholders, including members of the judiciary and law enforcers.

Aliping co-authored House Bill 2300 with Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas. The measure seeks to amend the penal code to make it attune to the modern times.

Tupas cited the need to revisit the outdated and archaic penal code and craft a new code that is updated, modern and simplified.

The lawmakers said preliminary investigation of crimes should be shifted to the courts from the prosecutors.

“There is an urgent need to craft a truly organic Filipino criminal code attuned to our values and norms,” Tupas said.

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