2 teen bus rob suspects nabbed

MANILA, Philippines - Two men were arrested for allegedly robbing the passengers of a bus in Caloocan City Saturday.

Reygie Radam, 19, and Gino Tagle, 18, both residents of Quezon City were apprehended after two of their victims asked help from police officers patrolling Monumento, city police chief Senior Superintendent Bernard Tambaoan said.

According to a police report, passengers Jhenty Paga and Maylanie Mesina were seated separately at the back of a Quezon City-bound bus when the suspects – who also occupied separate seats – robbed the bus passengers at gunpoint. 

The victims followed the suspects as they got off the bus and hailed police officers patrolling the area. The stolen items, but not the guns, were seized from the suspects.

Radam was among those who were arrested for another bus heist in Project 7, Quezon City on Nov. 18.              


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