QCPD to holdbomb identification seminar

MANILA, Philippines - The Quezon City Police District (QCPD), concerned about the possible spread of the violence in Zamboanga City to Metro Manila, will conduct a two-day bomb identification seminar for its field personnel.

“The seminar will be timely due to what has been happening in Mindanao,” said Inspector Noel Sublay, head of the QCPD’s Explosives and Ordinance Division. The seminar will start tomorrow.

Sublay said the seminar is for police officers who will be deployed to public places like malls and vital installations like the train stations.

QCPD director Chief Superintendent Richard Albano said around 70 police officers are expected to attend the seminar.

During the seminar, police officers will get an overview about terrorism, its criteria, contributing factors, its forms, objectives and categories.

Apart from being taught about the motives and targets of terrorists, police officers will be taught to detect mail and package bombs; how to handle calls of bomb threats; what to do when a bomb explodes; and how to conduct searches in rooms and vehicles.                         


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