Manila Bay fishkill caused by Laguna de Bay overflow – BFAR

MANILA, Philippines - The thousands of dead fish found floating in the Manila Bay over the  weekend likely came from fish cages in Laguna de Bay, which overflowed because of heavy rains brought by tropical storm Gorio, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) said yesterday.

On Sunday, thousands of tilapia (St. Peter’ fish), milkfish and kanduli (catfish) were seen floating in the Manila Bay. These were immediately snapped up by residents.

BFAR director Asis Perez said the freshwater fish died because they were not meant to survive in saltwater.

“The fish cages in the Laguna Lake overflowed and fish were swept away to the Manila Bay. These are fresh water fish so naturally, these will die because they are not acclimatized to such conditions. So this is not fish kill,” he said yesterday.

Perez said this phenomenon is a natural occurrence and does not need intervention. He said the bodies of dead fish in the bay are not likely to pollute its waters.

“The dead fish will swept away by the waves and eventually will become food for larger fish,” he said, but advised residents to refrain from eating the fish.


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