Man kills cousin for calling him gay

MANILA, Philippines - Bad joke kills.

A man stabbed to death his cousin who jokingly called him a homosexual yesterday morning in Quezon City.

Reyster Azores, 21, of Barangay Tandang Sora, was arrested by village watchmen after killing his cousin, 31-year-old Avengel Fabito.

PO2 Rhic Pittong said barangay officials seized from the suspect a fan knife, which he used in stabbing his cousin at past 5 a.m. in front of the victim’s house.

 Fabito died from three stab wounds, police said.

His sister, Renee Fabito-Villegas, said the suspect and her brother arrived home drunk.

During their chat over more bottles of beer, the victim told Azores: “Bakla ka ata pinsan, ang gaganda ng mga babae mo wala kang ginagawa. (Cousin, maybe you’re gay because you have a lot of beautiful women but you do nothing with them).”

 A brawl ensued between them. The suspect went home to get his fan knife then got back to his cousin’s house and stabbed him repeatedly.

 Neighbors subdued the suspect and grabbed his weapon, while the victim was rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.

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