Motel thief abandons car

MANILA, Philippines - An independent film actor wanted for a series of motel heists in Metro Manila abandoned the Volvo sedan he allegedly used in stealing a television from a Pasay motel recently.

Chief Inspector Joey Gofort, head of the Pasay police criminal investigation division, said motel employees reported yesterday that Marco Morales left his car in another motel in the city three days after he checked out.

 â€œHe abandoned his car after his pictures were flashed on television and published in newspapers,” Gofort said.

This time, Morales settled his bill before leaving, police said.

The car was brought to the Pasay police station.

Reports said Morales is also using the name Marco Gonzaga Saca of Malibu Hills, California.

Police probers are coordinating with the US embassy to determine if Saca and the notorious motel thief are one and the same.

Police said the US driver’s license left by Morales at a Pasay motel where he stole the television last June 10 was a fake.

“We are awaiting the report from the US embassy before we will make our next move,” Gofort said.

Morales had been charged with estafa, physical injuries and theft, according to Southern Police District director Jose Erwin Villacorte.

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