MILF member slain in Quiapo

MANILA, Philippines - An alleged member of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) was killed as he was about to go into the Quiapo underpass in Manila yesterday afternoon.

Witnesses said Datson Pillas, 35, was walking down the stairs of the underpass entrance on Hidalgo street when a man approached him from behind and shot him in the head at pointblank range at past 2 p.m., Police Officer 3 Richard Limuco said.

Recovered from the scene were a spent .45 caliber shell, Pillas’ voter’s identification card and an MILF membership card. Pillas was from Balatican, Maguindanao.

The witnesses said the gunman walked toward the Muslim area in Quiapo after the shooting. 

Investigators are checking if Pillas’ slay was election-related.


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