Smart, CNDR help Malabon prepare for floods

MANILA, Philippines - Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) and the Corporate Network for Disaster Response (CNDR) implemented Project Noah’s Ark in Malabon City to build its capacity to cope with the hazards of flooding.                

Flood-prone Malabon is gearing up for a flood warning and evacuation drill on April 6, culminating five months of intensive workshops meant to strengthen the local government unit’s (LGU’s) capacities in disaster risk reduction and management.

During the drill, the LGU will simulate a real disaster and apply their disaster preparedness and evacuation plans with the participation of residents in high-risk barangays. The simulation will include the gathering of weather updates from the government bureau, dissemination of the info to the different barangays, and the arrival and management of residents in the evacuation centers.

“In partnership with CNDR and the LGUs, we are helping build disaster-resilient communities to reduce their vulnerabilities to the hazards of flooding and enable them to cope with the impacts of disasters,” said Ramon Isberto, Smart public affairs group head.

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