Pregnant woman kills self

MANILA, Philippines - A pregnant woman allegedly committed suicide inside her house in Manila Sunday night.

Case investigator Police Officer 3 Rodel Benitez said 37-year-old Lorena Homeres, who was nine months pregnant, and resident of Gate 46, Area B, Parola Compound in Tondo, was found hanging by her relatives and neighbors at about 9:30 p.m.

An electrical cord was looped around her neck, Benitez said. The baby in her womb died following the suicide, he added. Reports said Homeres left a suicide note but no one could tell where it is.

The victim’s relatives told Benitez that her live-in partner identified as Romulo Odang, an employee of a printing office in Port Area, had been beating Homeres prior to her death.

They said the victim had been nagging Odang on suspicion that he was having an affair with another woman.

Police probers are still investigating whether the victim hanged herself or was strangled by another person as shown by the ligature marks in her neck.

Benitez did not rule out foul play and said they would wait for the autopsy report. 

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