Probers to check lapses in slay try suspect's arrest

MANILA, Philippines - Eastern Police District (EPD) director Chief Superintendent Miguel Laurel ordered yesterday an investigation into the “lapses” of the Pasig City police in the arrest of the second suspect in the slay attempt on reporter Fernan Angeles.

Angeles went to the Pasig police station over the weekend after receiving information that one of the men who attacked him last March 11 had been arrested in a drug bust. He identified his attacker as Junior Praning, who was arrested along with Eddie Kabayo and Marlon Garcia.

The Pasig City police, however, claimed that the man they identified as Junior Payat is not the same man as Junior Praning. They also reported that they only arrested Payat and Kabayo.

Laurel said they want to “know the whole truth behind the sting operation. We will validate the claims of both sides and determine whether there’s a need for a full-blown investigation.” He directed EPD intelligence chief Superintendent Remus Medina to spearhead the probe.

Faisal Sangkopan, the man who allegedly shot Angeles, has been charged with frustrated murder before the prosecutor’s office.                        

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