Business angle eyed in slay of Aguirre security aides

MANILA, Philippines - The attack on the house of Banco Filipino owner Albert “Bobby’’ Aguirre in BF Homes, Las Piñas City that left three of his security escorts dead could be business-related, a police official said yesterday.

The police official, who requested anonymity, said the 10 suspects who stormed the house of Aguirre wanted to send a strong message that “we can get you wherever you are.”

“The business angle is one of the motives we are eyeing in the attack. Maybe, somebody wanted to get his money back,” said one of the police probers investigating the incident.

Killed in the attack were security guard David Manguera, retired Senior Police Officer 2 Melvin Padaca, and Police Officer 3 Luisito Macatunao, both detailed at Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

“Aguirre himself was at a loss as to who could have staged the attack. He dismissed insinuation that he was the target of the attack but told police investigators that he have won many cases in court,” the police official said.

Senior Superintendent Romulo Sapitula, chief of the Las Piñas City police, earlier said that the attack could have something to do with the quarrel among security guards.

Police conducted yesterday a reenactment of the shooting incident and Sapitula noted that the attack was “disorganized.”

National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Alan Purisima told The Star that there is no major breakthrough yet on the incident.

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