2 nabbed in laundry shop killing

MANILA, Philippines - Two of three men who allegedly robbed laundry shop in Tondo and murdered its owner last month have been arrested by the Manila Police District (MPD), an official said yesterday.

Senior Inspector Joselito de Ocampo, chief of the MPD homicide section, said George Padios, 28; and Noel Nuylan, 41, were charged with robbery with homicide and two counts of frustrated homicide. They are being held at the MPD headquarters.

During the pre-dawn heist last Jan. 31, three men barged into the Bullseye Laundry shop on Yakal street and bound the shop’s three stay-in workers. The men first attacked nanny Maricel Lebrando, 25, who was sleeping in her four-year-old ward’s room.

Kelvin Chioa, 35, heard Lebrando’s shouts. When he tried to help, the men then stabbed him and his wife, Charlene, 32. Kelvin died on the spot.

The men then robbed the shop, kidnapped the Chioas’ four-year-old son and took their car. Both the child and the car were later abandoned several kilometers from the shop.

Charlene and Lebrando were confined at the Metropolitan Medical Center.

Lebrando told investigators that one of the suspects was “Toto Padios,” a former delivery boy and driver of Kelvin. Padios and Nuylan work for Kelvin’s mother, Luisita Chioa, who has a repair shop along Padre Algue street.

When Padios was brought to the hospital, Lebrando identified him as one of their attackers. Nuylan was identified by stay-in worker Baby Jane Macaraig, 21, as one of the men who tied them up.

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