Dwarf leads probers to 'killer cop'

MANILA, Philippines - A dwarf led Manila policemen to one of their colleagues, who allegedly killed a teenager after creating trouble at a videoke joint in Sampaloc, Manila Sunday morning, an official said yesterday.

Marvin de la Cruz, 18, identified Police Officer 3 George Cortez, 37, as the one who reportedly shot dead 19-year-old security guard Neil Palaca. Cortez was arrested in his house in Sampaloc, according to Manila Police District officer-in-charge Senior Superintendent Alex Gutierrez.

Witnesses told police that Palaca – who was shot dead as he was walking home after coming from a beerhouse – had an argument with a dwarf who heckled him while he was singing.

“That was the biggest break in the case. We looked for a midget in the area until we chanced upon De la Cruz who was then playing cards in a neighbor’s wake,” Senior Inspector Joey de Ocampo told The STAR in an interview.

De la Cruz said Cortez ordered him to heckle the victim because the policeman became jealous of the teenager’s singing. Cortez refused to comment.            

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