Makati's new traffic code takes effect next month

MANILA, Philippines - Makati City will enforce an amended traffic code on Sept. 15 that will impose a hefty fine on drunk drivers as well as motorists who will disregard the rules covering intersections.

Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay said the amendments to the city’s Traffic Code of 2003 were needed to improve road safety in the country’s financial hub.

Binay said data from the Makati Command and Control Center showed a total of 781 road accidents recorded in the city from January to July this year compared to a total of 1,434 road accidents recorded last year.

“Traffic violations aggravate the traffic situation in Makati, which has an average of 800,000 vehicles passing through its roads daily. This new ordinance aims to curtail the disregard for traffic rules, which is largely to blame for vehicular accidents that occur in our city,” he said.    

Under the amended traffic law, drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs not only entail the payment of a P2,500 fine but will also result in the impounding of the erring driver’s vehicle.

In addition, the city government will also recommend to the Land Transportation Office the revocation of the erring driver’s license to drive.

To further discourage drunk driving, Binay said business establishments that serve liquor will now be required to post reminders against drunk driving in conspicuous areas in their place of business.

Establishments that fail to comply with this provision will be slapped with a P2,500 fine and suspension of business permit for the first offense, Binay said.

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