Anti-tobacco groups seek truth on petition vs smoking ban

MANILA, Philippines - Anti-tobacco groups yesterday asked a smoker who sued the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for its anti-smoking drive to “tell the truth” regarding his benefactors.

In a statement, the New Vois Association of the Philippines (NVAP) and the Health Justice said Anthony Clemente, one of the two security guards who filed a petition to stop the implementation of the smoking ban, should divulge if the tobacco industry was behind them.

Clemente, along with fellow security guard Vrianne Lamson were arrested for smoking on the sidewalks on EDSA near the Farmers’ Market in Quezon City. They were represented by lawyers from Gonzales Batiller Leabres and Reyes law firm, whose clients include Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing Inc.

Clemente has reportedly gone into hiding after admitting in a recent television interview that a tobacco company was behind their petition against the MMDA.

NVAP president Emerito Rojas said Clemente’s admission “validates how cigarette companies choose profit over the general welfare.” NVAP is a group composed mainly of throat cancer victims who lost their voices.

Rojas also asked the public to “keep a watchful eye on the blatant efforts of the tobacco industry to subvert public health policies.”

Health Justice senior legal adviser Ipat Luna meanwhile said his group would “continue to support the government in defending itself on public health issues, especially in cases involving the tobacco industry.”

“We are confident that the obvious will unfold on its own along with the unexpected turns of this battle. The government should not be prevented from its duty to protect public health,” Luna added.   

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