Helper foils 'Dugo-Dugo' con attempt

MANILA, Philippines -  An alert housemaid helped police arrest a “Dugo-Dugo” gang member during an entrapment in Marikina City Monday.

Riza Daridas, 36, of San Mateo, Rizal, was arrested in the act of receiving cash and jewelry from househelper Rita Yosores, 38.

Police said Daridas admitted her crime as she revealed to the Marikina City police the names of her accomplices.

Initial reports show that Daridas called up Yosores at 4 p.m. Monday, claiming her employers met an accident and badly need money for hospitalization.

After Daridas put down the phone, Yosores became suspicious and decided to call up her employer, Alexa Geling, 35, who told her that she encountered no accident.

Geling coordinated with Senior Superintendent Gabriel Lopez, Marikina City police chief, who immediately dispatched a team to entrap Daridas in Barangay Cupang.           

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