Woman stabs ex-lover for kidnapping baby

MANILA, Philippines - A woman was jailed Saturday after she stabbed her former lover when he reportedly kidnapped their six-month-old daughter in Mandaluyong City.

Fatima Dalangin, 19, admitted her crime but claimed she was forced to do so after the victim, Gino Bagares, 25, ran away with their child.

Dalangin said Bagares is trying to woo her back but she refused because he kept calling her a “prostitute.”

“I had no intention of stabbing him but I was forced to do so after he went to our house drunk and grabbed our child from my mother,” said Dalangin, who is detained at the Mandaluyong City detention center.

Bagares was stabbed in the back and is listed in serious condition at the Mandaluyong City Medical Center.

Dalangin said her mother was tending to her daughter when Bagares grabbed the baby and left in a hurry. She said she followed Bagares to take her baby back.

Bagares’ elder brother, Greggylor, said they were on their way home at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday when he saw his brother suddenly fall to the ground. He said he saw Dalangin running away.

“She secretly followed us and she treacherously stabbed my brother in the back,” Greggylor said.

With the help of village watchmen, Dalangin was arrested and brought to the police headquarters, where she owned up to the crime. The baby is with Dalangin’s mother, police said.

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