Malabon city jail warden axed

MANILA, Philippines -  The warden of the Malabon City Jail has reportedly been sacked amid suspicion of irregularities even as around 400 inmates staged a noise barrage yesterday to demand more humane treatment.

Chief Inspector Gerald Bantag was replaced by Inspector Arnel Sorino as officer-in-charge. Jail sources said Bantag went on “voluntary leave.”

Inmates complained of poor prison conditions and food unfit for human consumption. They said the food given to them costs well below their daily budget of P50 each.

The noise barrage began at around 12:40 p.m. and was over at past 1 p.m. yesterday. The protest was “peaceful” and no untoward incident was reported.

The jail facility was built to accommodate 200 inmates, but currently houses around 400 inmates.

The inmates also bared that well-off prisoners are exempt from strict visiting hours and are given VIP treatment.

Bantag, after serving as warden of the Valenzuela City Jail for two years, was assigned to the Malabon jail on April 1.

Bantag left the Malabon jail before he could be interviewed by print journalists. He allegedly wanted to be interviewed only by television networks.

The three-story Malabon jail is located in Barangay San Agustin, behind the city hall.

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