QC detainee rape victim withdraws case, but cop still faces raps

MANILA, Philippines - A woman who accused a Quezon City policeman of raping her while in detention has withdrawn the case she had filed, but authorities said the policeman will still have to answer administrative charges stemming from the incident.

The woman alleged that Police Officer 1 raped her in the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) Station 12 at past 1 a.m. on Feb. 22.

QCPD director Chief Superintendent Benjardi Mantele confirmed that the complainant has filed an affidavit of desistance before the city prosecutor, indicating she no longer wants to pursue the case.

Mantele said Bajog will still have to face a case of grave misconduct in the internal investigation being conducted by the QCPD. Bajog has gone into hiding after the incident.

Mantele said the woman’s decision to withdraw the charges against Bajog has weakened her allegation against Superintendent Pedro Sanchez, QCPD Station 12 commander and Bajog’s superior. Sanchez has been relieved of his post pending a separate investigation after he was accused by the woman of interfering in the case.

The woman claimed Sanchez had helped Bajog escape and offered her money so she could post bail. Sanchez denied the allegations.                          

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