BFP issues tips on handling fireworks

MANILA, Philippines - Bureau of Fire Protections (BFP) director Rolando Bandilla gave the public yesterday tips on how to handle fireworks to prevent accidents and ensure hassle-free holiday.

• Store fireworks safely. Never carry any firecracker or pyrotechnic device in your pockets.

• Never try to re-ignite fireworks that do not light the first time.

• Do not allow small children to handle fireworks.

• Never throw fireworks at another person and leftover fireworks onto a bonfire.

• Never shoot fireworks from metal or glass containers, which may hit individuals around them.

• Never experiment, modify, or attempt to make your own fireworks and don’t drink during your fireworks display.

• Use fireworks only outdoors and buy fireworks only from authorized or reputable manufacturers.

• Organize a community display of fireworks rather than individuals handling crackers, do not ignite fireworks while holding them and do not approach immediately any misfired fireworks.

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