3 firms to join bid for Army computer hardware

MANILA, Philippines - Three companies have expressed interest to bid for the procurement of hardware for the Army’s Command and Control Communication, Computer Intelligence and Geographic Information System, which will allow the military to monitor the movement of armed groups and to coordinate the deployment of soldiers.

Representatives of Masangkay Computer Center, Microstation Comp. Inc. and VFA Solutions attended Friday the project’s pre-bid conference, which has an approved budget of P1.95 million.

Masangkay Computer Center and Microstation Comp. Inc. purchased bid documents from the Armed Forces bids and awards committee, while VFA Solutions expressed willingness to buy the documents.

“We intend to capture the events on the ground so the commanders will know what is happening and for field units to have a common operational picture. This will allow us to avoid ‘misencounters’ and overlapping of operation area,” said Maj. Walter Icaro, member of the technical working group for the project.

“It will also help us monitor the activities of our enemies,” he added. 

Icaro said the project will help the military ensure the safety of the public.

He said the bidding for the system hardware forms part of the command and control information and geographic system project, which costs more than P11 million. Another component of the project involved the procurement of the software, which costs around P9 million.

Icaro said the software will be sourced via direct contracting from Geo Data, the sole distributor of such computer programs in the country.

Maj. Gen. Nestor Sadiarin, chairman of the bids and awards committee, said the deadline for the submission of bids is on Dec. 8.

Bidders are required to submit 10 copies of technical and financial eligibility documents. Those who submit incomplete documents or those whose offers exceed the approved budget will be disqualified.

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