Condo rob, rape suspect beaten up

MANILA, Philippines - Irate residents of a condominium building in Sampaloc, Manila beat up a robbery suspect who reportedly molested three women Monday.

The three women, who occupy a third-floor unit at the condominium along Fajardo street, told police Gilbert de la Cruz, 27, gained entry into their unit by knocking on the door. When they opened it, he then threatened them with a fan knife.

The victims said De la Cruz hogtied them, took their cell phones and money, then fondled them.

De la Cruz was already past the gate of the building when the victims’ relatives arrived. They noticed the blue bag carried by the suspect as belonging to one of the victims. The relatives shouted for help, catching the attention of residents, who beat up the suspect.

At the police station, a 19-year-old college coed identified De la Cruz as the same man who raped her after barging into her condominium unit along Sergio Loyola street in Sampaloc.

According to the girl, the suspect also knocked at their door and threatened her with a fan knife. The suspect also hogtied her male cousin, then raped her after divesting them of their cell phones and cash.

Charges of robbery with violence, acts of lasciviousness and rape are now being readied against the suspect.

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