20 hurt as wall collapses on shanties in Caloocan

MANILA, Philippines - At least 20 people were injured when the wall of an abandoned paper mill collapsed onto a row of shanties at the height of a downpour in Barangay Sta. Quiteria, Caloocan City Friday afternoon.

Barangay chairman Alfredo Sy Ramos told The STAR that the rain loosened the soil along the bank of the nearby Talipapa creek and sent the wall – all that was left of the Manila Paper Mills building – crashing down on the shanties lining the creek at around 3 p.m.

“At least 40 shanties were damaged and around 20 people were injured during the incident,” he said.

The affected area is near the Tullahan River along the boundary of Caloocan and Quezon City.

Ramos said at least 300 families were left homeless and are staying at the barangay day care center and basketball court.

Ramos said Caloocan City Mayor Enrico Echiverri went to the area Friday night to assess the situation. He said heavy rains yesterday morning created panic among the residents, who “are now afraid of heavy rains.”

Nida Quintos, a local rescue officer, said the victims sustained minor cuts and abrasions.

Echiverri ordered yesterday a stop to the construction of a condominium in the area following the collapse of the wall.

The mayor directed city engineer Rolando Eduria to determine whether the project’s developer should be held accountable for the incident.

He said that if found liable, he would immediately recommend the filing of appropriate charges against the developer.

The mayor also ordered the local social welfare department to send relief goods to the affected families.

Ramos said the victims are among the hundreds of informal settlers living along the danger zones in their barangay.

He said every time water level rises in the creek, at least 500 families are evacuated to safer ground.   –With Pete Laude

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