Manila cops to probe attack on radio commentator

MANILA, Philippines - Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim yesterday ordered the Manila Police District (MPD) to investigate an attack on a radio commentator by four unidentified men in front of the victim’s house in Tondo, Manila Monday night.

Lim gave Superintendent Alex Gutierrez, district directorial staff of the MPD, a week for him to identify those behind the attempted murder of Jesus Victoria Salita, 66, a radio commentator of dzME.

“We hope that by next week, the MPD will be able to shed light not only on identities of the suspects and the motive behind the attempted slay of Salita as well,” Lim said.

Salita said he was about to park his car when he saw a suspicious-looking man waiting outside his house and notice two other men following him when he got out of his vehicle.

Salita said he tried to disarm a fourth attacker, who was reportedly armed with a .45 caliber pistol, but the three other men pistol-whipped him.

The commotion caught the attention of his neighbor, a certain Randy, who identified himself as a policeman and came to the aid of Salita.

“One of the suspects even pulled out an Uzi and fired at the police officer. Luckily he was able to duck when the suspect sprayed bullets at him,” Salita told police.

The four attackers fled on their motorcycles while the policeman rushed Salita to a hospital for treatment.

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