5 rookie cops arrested for firing guns

MANILA, Philippines - Five policemen assigned to the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) were arrested after they allegedly fired their guns during a drinking spree in Pateros Wednesday night.

Police Officer 3 Felecito Brijuega Jr. of the Pateros Police Investigation Section, identified the suspects as Police Officer 1 Rollie Cain, 30; PO1 Albert Gener, 29; PO1 Ardie Vergara, 28; PO1 Salvador Alfelor, 25; and PO1 Cleo Rey, 26. The five policemen are currently assigned with the Regional Mobile Group of the NCRPO. Metro Manila police chief Director Roberto Rosales has ordered the conduct of summary dismissal proceedings against them.

Initial investigation showed that at about 8 p.m., Cain and his companions were engaged in a drinking session in front of Gener’s house, when one of them suddenly fired a gun.

A resident in the area, Janet Bizon, called up the Philippine National Police’s “Patrol 117” to report the incident.

Pateros police officers arrested the five policemen and confiscated .45 caliber pistols from Alfelor, Vergara and Cain.

Brijuega said the five policemen will be charged with violating the election-related gun ban, illegal discharge of firearms and alarm and scandal.

Based on NCRPO records, the five policemen entered the police service in 2008. They had just finished their basic recruit course and field training program and were about to be deployed to actual police duties. They have yet to be issued firearms.

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