Green group alleges IT firm muscling in on smoke test centers

MANILA, Philippines -  The controversial computerization contractor of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) is the subject of another complaint for allegedly trying to take over the connectivity between LTO offices and private emission testing centers (PETCs) conducting mandatory smoke emission testing.

Herminio “Jojo” Buerano, president of the Coalition of Clean Air Advocates, said that Stradcom Corp. has reportedly been making the rounds of the PETCs nationwide, compelling them to choose Stradcom as their connectivity provider.

Stradcom’s alleged move, Buerano said, was without legal basis and was in violation of existing Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) Order 2005-37, which identified four IT firms as accredited connectivity providers to allow real-time uploading of photographs taken of a smoke emission test conducted on a motor vehicle seeking registration with the LTO.

Buerano added that DOTC Undersecretary for Road Transport Anneli Lontoc has a directive that requires a connectivity provider in the uploading of emission test results and photographs.

Stradcom, for its part, said that their move was sanctioned by the DOTC and the LTO. Vivencio “Vince” Dizon, Stradcom vice president for corporate communication and public relations, said Lontoc herself issued the order.

“PETC direct connection is based on an order from Usec. Lontoc herself and LTO has approved testing. The direct system will cost less for the motorists and will eradicate non-appearance for emission testing,” Dizon said in a press statement.

In the present system, PETCs upload emission test data and images through an IT provider to monitor and ensure that the emission tests are authentic and valid and are not faked or tampered with to allow so-called “non-appearance” cases.

Previously, erring PETCs have been caught red-handed allowing “non-appearances” by uploading fake emission tests and tamper pictures usually when such results are only sent at a later time and not “real-time.”

PETCs conduct mandatory smoke emission tests on motor vehicles seeking registration or renewal of their registration at the LTO. The mandatory smoke emission testing was started by the LTO since it was provided for by the Clean Air Act.

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