Atienza denies link to destruction of Cory streamers

MANILA, Philippines - A spokesman for Environment Secretary Lito Atienza denounced yesterday insinuations that Atienza had anything to do with vandals tearing down the streamers bearing the images of the late former senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. and former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino.

“It would be inconceivable and unthinkable for Secretary Atienza to take part of such illegal and treacherous act that would desecrate the valuable memories he shared and cherished with Ninoy and Cory Aquino,” Jason Valencia said in a statement sent to The STAR.

He noted that it was Atienza, during his three consecutive terms as Manila mayor, who started putting up Ninoy banners. “It was also Atienza who established a Ninoy monument along the Baywalk which has been totally neglected by the present Lim administration and can only be seen now with clothes or rags hanging on its arms,” Valencia said.

Valencia also condemned the act of vandalism and “the act of insinuation which could only be a product of one’s hallucination, malicious thinking or Alzheimer’s disease.”

According to Valencia, Atienza was one of the staunchest opposition members of the Batasang Pambansa representing Manila during martial law and one of the EDSA Revolution leaders.

Under the Aquino administration, Atienza worked as National Housing Authority general manager.

“Please, do not distort reality through dirty politics. The people know very well their history,” Valencia said as he also warned the police and other authorities taking part of the “scenario-building” in Manila. “You will get caught and you will not be able to fool the people.”

Valencia also slammed the propaganda allegedly peddled by Atienza’s opponents, showing Lim and Avelino Razon leading a survey done by an unrecognized survey firm.

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