Teenage thrill killing suspect arrested

MANILA, Philippines - A 19-year-old man suspected of shooting at least two people for thrills was arrested by National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and Manila Police District (MPD) operatives while he was engaged in a drinking spree in Tondo, Manila over the weekend.

NBI head Nestor Mantaring and MPD director Chief Superintendent Rodolfo Magtibay presented Vic John Encinas during a press conference held at the NBI headquarters yesterday.

Encinas was accused of shooting Bryan Lorenzana and Ricky Almario on Aug. 3, 2008, but denied the charges. Almario, who survived the attack, identified Encinas as the shooter.

The NBI said it received a tip last Oct. 17 that Encinas, together with members of the Tres Puntos gang – which he founded and led – were seen drinking in Tondo.

NBI deputy director for intelligence services Ruel Lasala said Encinas’ group allegedly follows the pattern of killings done by street gangs in other countries, which they see on television.

He said Encinas and his gangmates take drugs before carrying out the killings. “But they admitted to using only marijuana,” Lasala said, adding that Encinas and his cohorts then allegedly shoot at innocent people without any motive.

Mantaring said they have already subjected Encinas to a drug test.

Magtibay said they are looking for Encinas’ cohorts still operating in the Tondo area. “We are also calling on those who have been victimized by Encinas to come out in the open and identify him,” he said.     

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