DTI warns vs fake inspectors

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) warned the public yesterday against people posing as DTI inspectors, who will ask money from vendors for supposed violations of trade rules in exchange for not confiscating their wares.

The DTI issued a warning after receiving a report that a group tried to extort P10,000 from a vendor of liquefied petroleum gas tanks by saying they were DTI inspectors who were supposed to confiscate the tanks for alleged violations.

“There is always a procedure. When a monitoring team finds out that there is a violation the team will issue a notice of violation and not confiscate the goods on the spot,” Assistant Trade Secretary Angel Pelayo said in a telephone interview.

According to her, once the monitoring team threatens the vendor with confiscation of goods unless a certain amount is paid, the vendor must immediately suspect foul play because monitoring teams are not allowed to confiscate immediately.

“The team will issue a notice of violation but will not confiscate the items immediately. There is due process wherein DTI will get the side of the vendors,” Pelayo said.

Pelayo said sellers must immediately call DTI’s hotline, 751-3330, “before entertaining the monitoring team to verify their authenticity.”

Trade Secretary Peter Favila urged businesses not to pay, and recognize that asking for money is already a “tell-tale” sign of “bogus” inspectors and enforcers.

He added that in the case of dangerous or unsafe goods, no inspection team can confiscate them on the spot, but a seizure order will be issued as soon as possible.

Favila said to prevent similar incidents, legitimate DTI monitoring and enforcement teams should wear valid identification cards and bring a copy of their duly signed authority to conduct monitoring and enforcement during an operation.

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