Taguig orders makeover for Embassy bar

MANILA, Philippines - The Taguig City government yesterday ordered the owners of the highly controversial Embassy Bar to change the concept of their club from a “wild party place” to a more wholesome hangout or else face permanent closure.

Taguig Mayor Sigfrido Tiñga issued the warning against its owners, who recently appealed to the city government to reopen Embassy Super Club, which was closed down after one of its customers, Kilikan Jimenez, reportedly stabbed a businessman in the Embassy Cuisine last Aug. 18. Jimenez allegedly escaped with the help of some bar employees.

City business permits and licenses office head Jeffe Minglana said bar owners should establish a party venue where young people can go without their parents worrying.

“The city government has decided not to reopen the club until management could show that they are able to handle the crowd that comes in and devise a plan that would prevent incidents of violence,” he said.

Tiñga said the past violent incidents at the club gained a negative perception for Embassy as a whole, and put the city in a bad light.

“We’re not the type that closes down an establishment for minor or first infractions. This has become a vicious cycle for Embassy, which has gained notoriety because of the series of incidents of fights that occurred there. We cannot let these happen again,” Tiñga said. – Rhodina Villanueva

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