Taguig shuts down Embassy bar; bouncers help stabbing suspect escape

MANILA, Philippines - The Taguig City government has ordered the closure of Embassy Supperclub and Embassy Cuisine at the Fort Strip after its bouncers facilitated the escape of a customer who stabbed another customer last Tuesday.

Taguig police chief Senior Superintendent Camilo Pancratius Cascolan said Kilikan Jimenez allegedly stabbed a 34-year-old Makati-based businessman in the Embassy Cuisine at about 1:30 a.m. last Tuesday.

Police refused to give out the victim’s identity, as requested by the family, but an earlier report from the Southern Police District identified the victim as Dennis Navarro.

Cascolan said a friend of the victim figured in an altercation with Jimenez and when the victim tried to pacify the two men, Jimenez allegedly stabbed him twice.

Taguig policemen stationed outside the Embassy bar rushed the victim to the Makati Medical Center, where he underwent an operation.

Meanwhile, Gilbey Gallart Loganera, investigating security officer of the Bonifacio Estate Services Corp. (BESC), said accounts given by security men detailed in the area pointed to Embassy bouncers Gilbert Rempis, Joven Bantique and Gilbert Battung as the ones who allegedly facilitated Jimenez’s escape through the club’s back door amid the commotion.

Based on a complaint filed by the victim before the local government and police, Taguig Mayor Sigfrido Tiñga directed the city’s Business Permits and Licenses Office head Jeffe Minglana to serve a closure order on Embassy last Thursday.

Minglana said the stabbing incident and the suspect’s escape with the help of the bar’s bouncers is a clear violation of security arrangements forged by the club’s management with the city government.

In June last year, the city government ordered the closure of Embassy based on a complaint by a customer beaten up by the bar’s disc jockey.

The bar was only allowed to reopen provided that its officials comply with the stringent security measures set by the city government within and outside its premises.

One of the conditions is that Embassy officials shall give access to a security team from the city government or police, armed with metal detectors, who will be stationed inside the establishment.

Cascolan said policemen from Police Community Precinct 7, which has jurisdiction over the area, have only been allowed to stay outside Embassy’s premises.

He added that when policemen arrived at the scene to investigate the stabbing that had just occurred, the club was already closed.

Embassy will remain closed pending the result of a police investigation.

Police are waiting for the victim to file a formal complaint against Jimenez. The victim reportedly remains under sedation in the hospital.

Cascolan said Embassy’s bouncers and all policemen detailed in the area when the incident happened will be under investigation.

He added Embassy officials agreed to present to them the three bouncers who allegedly helped Jimenez escape.

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