QCPD questions dead model's alleged drug supplier

MANILA, Philippines - The Quezon City Police District (QCPD) picked up Friday morning the alleged drug supplier of a model who was killed when he fell from an 18th-story unit of a condominium building.

Chief Inspector Benjamin Elenzano, who heads the Homicide Investigation Section of the QCPD-Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit, said Ryan Lilan “is currently being interrogated” in connection with the death of Benjie Peralta, 18, before dawn Wednesday.

Peralta’s former girlfriend, Vanessa Onemoto, said Lilan called up her phone moments before Peralta’s death to say that he was with the victim, who was going wild and unruly.

Onemoto believes the persons at the condominium unit were having a drug and sex party before Peralta’s death.

She alleged that Lilan is a pimp and supplies ecstasy tablets during these parties.

Onemoto also told police that a vehicle has been casing her home, and she has stopped going out of the house and has not gone to work since she gave her statements after Peralta’s death.

The names of Antonio Pena Jr., R.A. Carlos and Lucky Mercado were brought up based on a logbook entry at the time Peralta entered the 18th-floor unit in the building.

Pena’s sister said he was at home and his name was on the logbook because he was the interior decorator of the condominium unit visited by Peralta’s group.

A lawyer for Pena and a certain Manuel Osias said his clients would show up to clear their names. Osias was never mentioned before in the police investigation.

Elenzano also said Mercado showed up Thursday night to tell the police that he indeed entered the condominium unit but left before Peralta fell and died. – Reinir Padua

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