Teen suspect in nurse grad's rob-slay nabbed

MANILA, Philippines - The Manila police said yesterday its personnel solved the rob-slay of a nursing graduate at a condominium unit in Sta. Cruz Monday with the arrest of a 17-year-old member of Akyat Bahay gang.

The arrest of the suspect, whose identity is being withheld since he is a minor, was the result of several tips gathered from police informants, according to homicide section head Chief Inspector Alberto Peco.

Four other Akyat Bahay gang members, who reportedly conspired to commit the crime, are now being hunted by the police.

The suspect, who admitted robbing and shooting Rosalie Turcolas, 22, was arrested at his parents’ house in Marilao, Bulacan, Peco said. Two guns, including one the suspect may have used to kill Turcolas, were recovered at the suspect’s house.

Turcolas, a nursing graduate, was discovered dead Monday night in a fourth-floor condominium unit in Sta. Cruz, Manila she shared with two roommates.

The victim, who was shot in head, was found naked from the waist down. However, medico-legal officers found the victim was not raped.

A Vaio laptop computer worth P35,000, two cellular phones priced at P25,000, and the victim’s cream-colored wallet containing undetermined amount of cash were reportedly taken by her killer.

Peco said an informant told police the suspect had been warning his gang members not to go near the condominium building since they had killed a woman and may get arrested.

Peco said the gang chanced upon the building Monday morning. Since the area was deserted, the five gang members formed themselves into a human ladder, with the main suspect – being the smallest and lightest – at the top.

Chief investigation unit head Senior Inspector Marcelino Reyes said the suspect entered Turcolas’ room while she was sleeping. After getting the valuables, the suspect tried to rape the victim but she awoke, prompting the suspect to shoot. The suspects sold their loot to a fence, each getting P2,000 for his share.

Reyes said the suspects had already victimized several houses, including those of policemen, where they were able to steal the guns they used. – Nestor Etolle       

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