Sex worker, partner rob Myanmar man

A Myanmar national lost his cell phone when he agreed to visit the house of an alleged sex worker he met the night before in Cubao, Quezon City.

Case investigator Police Officer 3 Rogelio Basbas said Lam Thang and the woman, known only as Jenny, who reportedly works as a prostitute in Cubao, “met the night before and after spending the whole night together, the woman brought the victim to her house, maybe claiming she would introduce him to her family.”

Basbas said while at the house in Barangay E. Rodriguez, Jenny left and her live-in partner, Edgar Villamil, took Lam Thang’s cell phone at knifepoint at around 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Before running away, Villamil hit the victim.

Lam Thang sought the assistance of village watchmen, who were told by neighbors that no one was inside the house.

One neighbor approached the village watchmen, saying he saw what happened and that Villamil is the one who really occupies the house.

Village watchmen arrested Villamil that afternoon but the victim’s cell phone was no longer with the suspect.

Villamil underwent inquest proceedings Friday for robbery while Jenny is still at large, Basbas said. – Reinir Padua

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