PNP works to foil terror plot

Police have intensified the gathering of intelligence information following reports of a terrorist plot to attack malls and hotels in Metro Manila this month.

The STAR learned that terrorists planning the attack are associated with a Mindanao-based terrorist group.

A memorandum dated Nov. 1 directed the five police districts in the metropolis to intensify the conduct of timely and accurate intelligence monitoring and deployment of policemen in possible terrorist targets.

The STAR obtained a copy of the memorandum but opted not to reveal sensitive details so as not to pre-empt police operations.

“All the district directors were ordered to coordinate with security officers and management of at least seven malls and hotels and come up with measures to prevent the planned attack by the terrorists’ groups,” the source said.

Police authorities called on the public to be vigilant and immediately call for police assistance if they see suspicious-looking individuals or packages.

The entire police force was placed on full alert in August to counter terrorist attacks that might spill over from Mindanao to Metro Manila after the government canceled the agreement on ancestral domain with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Malacañang had decided to cancel the agreement after rogue MILF commanders Abdulrahman Macapaar alias Commander Bravo, Umbra Kato and Aleem Sulayman Pangalian attacked communities, burned houses, and murdered and robbed innocent civilians.

The police and military continue their manhunt for Bravo, Kato and Pangalian and their men, who are facing at least 199 criminal charges for murders, robbery in band, arson, and other atrocities. – Cecille Suerte Felipe

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