Woman robbed by maid, 3 others

The Manila Police District arrested a maid and three others for allegedly robbing her employer of more than P350,000 in cash and valuables.

Chief Inspector Audie Madrideo, chief of the District Police Intelligence and Operations Unit (DPIOU), said Rosita Jamisola, 46, was arrested upon the complaint of her employer, Ghirlie Cu Sahulga.

Jamisola allegedly forced open the family cabinet when she was left alone to tend the house when the family went to the province last Thursday.

Sahulga said she lost P300,000, checks, four cellular phones, a digital camera and two wristwatches.

During interrogation, Jamisola admitted the crime and claimed she dropped the bag containing the loot from the second floor of the house to two men waiting below.

Jamisola’s three alleged cohorts were identified as Gonzalo Mariñas, 60, Jamisola’s live-in partner; Gabino Adoptante, 44; and Yolanda Escalante, 40.

However, the three suspects vehemently denied getting the money and valuables.

Despite the denial of the three suspects, Jamisola insisted that she gave them the cash and valuables. “They even sent a text message telling me to proceed to Laguna to divide the loot,” she said.  – Nestor Etolle

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