MMDA enforcer faces multiple raps

A Metro Manila Development Authority enforcer is facing multiple charges for allegedly extorting money from a vendor, punching a policeman who arrested him, and going amuck at a Quezon City police station Wednesday night.

Mark Joseph Tarrayo, 21, will be charged with robbery-extortion, direct assault on a person of authority, resisting arrest, alarm and scandal, possession of a deadly weapon, and malicious mischief.

According to a police report, an inebriated Tarrayo reportedly approached balut (boiled duck egg) vendor Teodoro Aburuales and asked him for three eggs. Instead of paying for his purchase, Tarrayo demanded P250 so he would not arrest Aburuales for “illegal vending.”

Aburuales asked if he could give only P150, which Tarrayo accepted. The suspect was about to leave when Aburuales saw a police patrol vehicle, manned by Senior Police Officer 1 Joseph Gapasin and PO1 Ashary Guro, approach.

The two policemen approached Tarrayo, who punched Gapasin and tried to grab his firearm from his holster.

The policemen were able to subdue Tarrayo and recover Aburuales’ money as well as a nine-inch fan knife.

At the Quezon City Police District Station 7, Tarrayo went berserk and challenged every police officer he saw.   – Reinir Padua

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