Intramuros to undergo facelift

Intramuros Administration (IA) chief Anna Maria Harper said various programs are underway to preserve the “treasures and beauty of the Walled City.

Harper, who assumed the post three weeks ago, said one of her major plans is to put an ecclesiastical museum to house the 6,000 priceless religious icons and other antiques obtained by the first IA administrator, Jaime Laya, during his tenure.

“I have already submitted the proposal to the Department of Tourism and we already met with Spanish and French investors to discuss the construction of the new museum,” she said.

According to Harper, some P400 million will be allocated to reconstruct the old Dan Ignacio Church and Convent so it could serve as the new ecclesiastical museum in Intramuros.

“We will be putting the antiques, some of which are now in the Casa Manila while others are on loan. The IA antiques and paintings cannot be seen in any antique shop or personal collection, so we really have to preserve them,” she said.

Harper said the IA is also negotiating with foreign investors for the possible construction of a five-star hotel where the old Ateneo de Manila used to stand.

“We will be using the same façade when the construction pushes through,” she noted.

Harper said she is also working with various schools within Intramuros in line with her program to plant at least 200 firetrees and re-landscape various parks and plazas in the Maetranza area.

She also plans to reinstall foot lighting on the walls and refurbish function areas where exhibits, cultural shows and film showing can be held.

“The old Binondo is already gone and Quiapo has also deteriorated and tourists have no other historical place to visit in Manila, except Intramuros so we have to preserve the Walled City for the future generation,” Harper said.  Mayen Jaymalin

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