Student leader to file amparo vs AFP intel officers

A student leader at the Philippine Christian University (PCU) has accused a military intelligence officer of harassing her.

Gliza Dimapilis, a 19-year-old accounting student, told reporters “a certain Major Francisco” from the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines informed her schoolmates that she is already in their order of battle, and that a “shoot to kill” order may soon be issued against her.

Dimapilis, the incoming president of the PCU student council, said she is contemplating on filing a writ of amparo against Francisco and another military officer who has been tailing her since March 7

She said Francisco wanted to meet her and offered to make her as one of their “tracers” or “assets” if she would be willing to be “neutralized” or abandon her school political party.

Last Friday, her parents had to inform her school that she might have to miss her classes, Dimapilis said.

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