QC cops raid gay bar

The Quezon City Police District (QCPD) raided the other night a gay bar where male models and performers were reportedly staging lewd shows.

Superintendent Antonio Yarra, chief of the QCPD-Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit’s general investigation section, said they apprehended 25 dancers, 11 of whom did not have proper permits, at the Mankind Bar on Scout Ybardolaza street in Barangay South Triangle at past 11 p.m. Thursday. The dancers ranged in age from 19 to 30 years.

“This is part of a directive of (QCPD chief Senior Superintendent Magtanggol Gatdula) to do a crackdown on bars being used as fronts for prostitution in the city,” he said.

The raiding team also arrested the bar’s operations manager, floor manager and waiter.

Gatdula has warned owners of video and KTV bars and other entertainment establishments to stay away from staging lewd shows and hiring minors.

QCPD police officers recently raided the Metro KTV, Lanai, Blue Eyes, Maligamgam and Halimuyak bars based on complaints received through the Philippine National Police text hotline. – Reinir Padua

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