Pregnant maid tries suicide jump

A woman working as a domestic helper tried to commit suicide by jumping from the roof of her employer’s house in Quezon City yesterday afternoon.

After a five-hour standoff, police officers rescued Eden Legaspi, 38, at around 7 p.m.

Superintendent Constante Agpaoa said Legaspi refused to come down despite pleadings from her employer and her boyfriend, Rommel Asuncion.

Agpaoa said Legaspi appeared have been driven to desperation by her pregnancy because she reportedly has a husband and child in her hometown in Cavite province.

Asuncion, who works as a driver for Legaspi’s employer’s neighbor, said he had been having an affair with Legaspi for a month and he only found out she was pregnant when she tried to commit suicide.

Asuncion said he was ready to take responsibility for the child, but Legaspi earlier told the police she refused an alleged offer from Asuncion to take a pill to abort the child. – Reinir Padua

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