Comelec defers judgment on Alagad party-list nominee

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) reserved judgment the other day over the reported appearance of Alagad party-list nominee Diogenes Osabel in the sessions of the House of Representatives although the poll body has not yet officially proclaimed him.

“Was he recognized by the Congress? Was he attending as a congressman? We have no idea about what he’s doing. I don’t want to answer that,” said Comelec acting chairman Resurreccion Borra when asked by The STAR about the implication of Osabel’s attendance.

Borra added the Comelec has not received an official report about Osabel attending the House sessions since Dec. 10.

Borra’s statement was echoed by Comelec Commissioner Romeo Brawner. “I don’t know if the Congress is recognizing him or if he is attending as a congressman. I don’t want to make a comment without any basis,” he said.

Alagad has been duly recognized by the Comelec as a party-list organization but its nominee has yet to be issued a certificate of proclamation needed to be able to sit in Congress.

The group won one seat in the May 14 party-list polls but Osabel and former Alagad party-list nominee Rodante Marcoleta are fighting over it.

The Comelec has earlier recognized Osabel as the official nominee of Alagad but Marcoleta filed a motion for reconsideration. – Sheila Crisostomo

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