MMDA to round up street carolers

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will start rounding up street children who go caroling on major thoroughfares, an official said yesterday.

MMDA general manager Robert Nacianceno said they are concerned about the safety of street children who take advantage of the Christmas season by knocking on car windows to ask motorists for money.

“ We don’t want them to meet accidents while on the road. Maybe they can do it but they should have themselves positioned inside the compound of particular houses they choose,” he said in an interview.

Nacianceno said concerned MMDA traffic enforcers are the ones tasked to pick up children found roaming and caroling in their particular areas of assignment and bring them to the nearest local social welfare office.

“We will also be coordinating with the parents of the said children,” he added.

On Friday night, MMDA personnel made the rounds of major thoroughfares and accosted a number of children they caught singing carols to motorists, but released them after giving a lecture that what they have been doing is dangerous. – Rhodina Villanueva

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