Dead girl found inside suitcase

A dead girl was found inside a  suitcase floating near the breakwater in North Harbor yesterday morning.

The still unidentified girl was believed to be between seven and 10 years old and at least four-feet-two inches tall. She was half-naked and clad only in a yellow jogging pants with red stripes and the word “Lovely” and the number 5 embroidered near the waist. 

Officer-on-case SPO2 Richard Lumbad said the girl could have been killed by strangulation, as evidenced by an electric cord looped around her neck.

Except for the girl’s body, the green  suitcase was empty. The words “Baishor Disona” were still visible at the flap of the sea-soaked suitcase.

Lumbad said the suitcase was discovered by three children while gathering recyclables at the breakwater.

“One of the children opened the suitcase and ran away after seeing the dead body. The others called up older people who retrieved the suitcase from the water,” Lumbad said.

“Imagine a little girl killed and the body forcibly stuffed inside a suitcase and thrown into the sea. This is unspeakable murder,” Lumbad said.

An autopsy showed the girl died of strangulation but was not sexually assaulted.

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