User kills pusher for selling toilet deodorizer

For making him shell out P1,500 for toilet deodorizer instead  of shabu, a 38-year-old drug user shot dead an alleged drug pusher in Pasig City.

The suspect, Edwin Cancamo, a resident of Barangay Sta. Ana in Taytay, Rizal was arrested yesterday two days after he killed Rafael Tatel, a resident of Barangay Pinagbuhatan in Pasig City.

Senior Inspector Lorenzo Trajano said Cancamo surrendered peacefully when cornered in his residence and admitted the crime.

Trajano said prior to the killing, Cancamo bought a sachet of shabu from Tatel worth P1,500. However, when he and his companions started using the contents of the sachet, they realized the substance was not shabu because it only emitted smoke when it was lit up and it smelled “like Albatross,” referring to a popular brand of toilet deodorizer.

After discovering they were conned by Tatel, the suspect grabbed his 12-gauge improvised shotgun and went looking for the victim. Cancamo immediately opened fire once he spotted Tatel, killing him on the spot.

Trajano said they are readying homicide charges against Cancamo, who is presently detained at the Pasig City police detection center.   – Non Alquitran

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