DPWH to strengthen legal front in drive vs billboards

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is determined to face the legal challenges in its ongoing campaign against illegal billboards and structures on major roads nationwide.

DPWH National Building Code Development Office (NBCDO) executive director Emmanuel Cuntapay admitted that their billboard dismantling operation was affected by several cases filed against the agency by outdoor advertising companies affected by the campaign.

"We are postponing the dismantling of more illegal billboards for the meantime as we are currently focusing on our defense against cases and temporary restraining orders (TROs) filed by billboard owners against us," Cuntapay told reporters.

"We are tired of being on the defensive, especially since we know that we are on the right side of the law. This time, we want to be on the offensive and ensure that there will be no way they can sidestep the legalities," he added.

To further strengthen the response of DPWH to court cases, Cuntapay said they would create a special task force composed of representatives of the DPWH, Department of Justice (DOJ), Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA), and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to conduct inspections on the billboard structures.

The group will be tasked to submit a detailed report, which will be used to determine if there is probable cause to file criminal or civil charges against the violators before the DOJ.

"After obtaining the go signal from the DOJ, there will be no basis for a TRO," he said.

He also said that they are conducting validation seminars for building inspectors nationwide on the implementing rules and guidelines of the NBC and its objectives.

"We want to remind these building inspectors and officials of their primary duties because we know that even though they work directly under this office, their loyalties still lie with the local officials who appointed them," he said. "Their orientation is to generate more income for their respective local governments, but still, we want to refresh their memories on the primary objectives of the NBC, which is to ensure the safety of the general public, especially in the case of calamity."

The NBCDO is the implementing office of DPWH in dismantling billboards that obstruct the natural landscape, pose public hazard or offend any cultural values and orientation as part of the program called Oplan Baklas Billboard.

The drive against illegal billboards was created in the wake of President Arroyo’s Administrative Order 160 and 160 A, designating the department as the chief agency in the crackdown against illegal structures that may cause hazards to the safety of motorists and pedestrians in times of natural disasters.

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